VishwaCTF 2025 Writeup
Hi, recently, we solved 21 challenges and got 8th place in VishwaCTF. Since the organizer requires a writeup, we decided to publish it on our blog as well. Enjoy! <( ̄︶ ̄)>
Sanity Check
There is a sanity.txt
and if you look carefully, you will see something like Vish…. I just need to use gedit
to zoom it out and I got the flag
FLAG: VishwaCTF{being_a_jack_of_all_is_better_then_being_a_master_at_one}
Web Exploitation
First, I look at the challenge and its source. I noticed that it required a username and password and it also has a term Query of Love, which immediately reminded me of the SQL Injection
I tried to 'OR 1=1;--
for both the username and password fields, but it didn’t work
Then, I tried to break the algorithm of the flame calculator and still got nothing (-_-)
The only idea is from the query, maybe it was SQL Injection but with different payload. I tried 'UNION SELECT 1;--
and a new page show up
Finally, I just need to follow in Famous Love Stories to get the flag :3
FLAG: VishwaCTF{SQL_1nj3ct10n_C4n_Qu3ry_Your_He4rt}
P/s: I realized the challenge is actually very easy, any payload with UNION SELECT
will work lmao
This is a web chall that will scan for any website to check if it has spam content. But is it filter internal addresses like
It seems that it didn’t block the internal address, however an error exists. As I’m familiar with this vuln, This error can be the port 80 is not the port used to host, that why it can’t connect
So I started with the scan port process. The main point of this scan is to find out which port the server use to host the web. Or if we’re lucky enough, we can found some port from Redis, FastCGI, Zabbix,…(@_@)
You can write a Python script to scan or if you have Burp Suite Pro, follow these:
Enter or any other port and use Burp Suite to intercept the request. Here you can see a hint “Follow the trail…” in the cookie. However, I didn’t know what it means so just skip it =))
Next, press Ctrl + I to send it to Intruder
Then, add the position, where the port will be inserted
After that, in the Payloads tab, choose Payloads type is Numbers with range from 0
to 65536
Finally, click Start attack and wait to see if there is any difference in response length
After scanning, I found port 5000
, yay
The next idea is to found some hidden paths in port 5000
, and here I use dirb wordlist
Later, I found /console
. However, after some tests with the internal Werkzeug, I wasn’t able to execute commands or exploit path traversal to get the flag :(
Back to the hint, I thought I must have missed something. So, I tested again, this time using to receive the response. I guessed that follow the trail likely meant to follow the response
And yea, my guess was right, the flag was on the response header, I just overlooked everything :(
FLAG: VishwaCTF{Y0u_7R4c30lI7_3000_4rK}
Sorry organizer for aggressive scan O_O
Are We Up?
At first, I had no idea how to proceed since there was no instance to examine and no clues to follow, so I skipped this chall
But later, a hint release. It told me that I must look at the status of
Hmm, what does “status” mean? I don’t know so I just randomly try some path like /health-check
, /health
,… until I saw a green dot at the end, it right on the main page
This actually lead me to a website or (after the contest end)
On this page, I found a /flag
endpoint and a local:8080
, but it turned out to be a fake flag :(
Look at the source code, I found /uptimer-a343s19
Alright, look like we have another SSRF challenge ~
My first try is but no luck, it forbidden
After some testing, I realized some filters like only allow http, https or block
At first, I focused on the ip address and try to turn it to
, 2130706433
,… but none of those worked
I started brainstorming and realized I had overlooked something: what about redirects? I attempted to set up a host that could redirect, but since I’m broke, you know…
So I tried using ngrok, but somehow it didn’t work
Then I tried another easier method, other people host :)
As you can see in the PayloadAllTheThings, there is an url, which can redirect
When I tried that, another different error occur
Then, I changed to
However, this time it return the fake flag. This made me wonder if the internal server also had filters in place. So I changed to and I got the real flag
FLAG: VishwaCTF{Y0r4_lo7al_b4bby_A4k18aw2}
Like every other web chall, I recon the web, and I realized that I must focus on the login page because it was the only available feature here :)
Look at the source of /login
, I saw /dashboard
and /auth
In /dashboard
, I look at the source code again and I found an email in the comment:
Back to the login page, there is another feature, Reset Password. It require to enter the email, and of course, I will try the
first no matter what
Here, it returns an OTP form. However, brute force a long OTP code seem impossible, so I must find some other way to get the code
I use Burp Suite to intercept the reset password request first to investigate more
Hmm, wait a minute, I noticed some thing similar, it was actually same as my previous writeup here:
The idea is actually easy, you just need to add your email next to the valid one, then add []
to turn it to an array. This way, the code will be return to both of them
With experience from scan-it-to-stay-safe challenge, I use webhook email instead of my ctf email just to make sure I’m not missing any thing hehe
And with this caution, I got the flag very fast. If I remember correctly, I was the 6-7th solver
FLAG: VishwaCTF{y0u_4r3_7h3_h4ck3r_numb3r_0n3_2688658}
Digital Forensics
Leaky Stream
I’m a web player, not a forensics player, so when I saw these type of challenge, first I will nano chitty-chat.pcapng
on terminal then search for VishwaCTF{
I found: VishwaCTF{this_is_first_part
Then, I thought there might be a second part of this somewhere, so I search for “second” and I got the flag, sound dumb but this is actually how I solve this chall (o_O)
FLAG: VishwaCTF{this_is_first_part_this_second_part}
I opened the HKCU and SOFTWARE hives with Registry Explorer. Then, I pressed Ctrl + F and searched for suspicious keywords—specifically, powershell
When I scrolled to Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
, it caught my attention
It runs a command C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -enc
with a Base64-encoded string, which looks very suspicious
After decoding it, I found that it was a Vigenère cipher decryption function
I tried searching for something like a cipher text and a key but found nothing. However, after looking more carefully, I finally found what I needed in: HKCU:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RecentDocs
FLAG: VishwaCTF{b3l1ef_in_r3g_p0wer}
After the analysis saw the ftp packets and the file transmission, I went to look at it
After that, I tried to crack but did not work so I tried to read the TCP packets and saw it
Look carefully, you will see the zip’s password is the first letter of each line
After unzip I saw the files but when I opened hehehe.jpg
file, I couldn’t
So I check what code it is written by
Now, use pyinstxtractor
to extract and you will got the flag:
FLAG: VishwaCTF{h1dd3n_l0c4l_traff1c}
Reverse Engineering
Hungry Friends
This is a challenge where, when I run the file, I encounter a bunch of errors
After going to to download all of the necessary DLL files, I was finally able to run the program
This is a simple Snake game. After throwing it into IDA for analysis, I found that at address 0x00401C1F
, it checks whether you have at least 9999 points. If the condition is met, it calls the SHOW_FLAG
Now, the remaining task is to set a breakpoint at 0x00401C1F
and debug it in IDA, then set EAX = 9999
and continue
FLAG: VishwaCTF{th3r3_4r3_5n4k35_all_4r0und}
Safe Box
This is a reverse engineering challenge involving a Unity game. The goal of the challenge is to find the password to unlock a safe and retrieve the flag
Typically, I start by locating the Assembly-CSharp.dll
file and analyzing it wit dnSpy
When inspecting the source code, I noticed it was obfuscated. To make it more readable, I opened it in VSCode and renamed variables and functions
While analyzing the code, I found features such as checking whether Assembly-CSharp.dll
has been modified, verifying the entered password using arithmetic operations like ADD, SUB, XOR,… and a few other functions
I modified the password verification logic by changing ==
to !=
, saved the changes, and ran the game, but nothing changed
After some time, I tried deleting Assembly-CSharp.dll
, and surprisingly, the game logic still worked
This led me to investigate other DLL files, and when I checked UnityEngine.NetworkUtils.dll
, I finally found the actual logic handling the password verification
After modifying the logic, the final step is to open the game, press OK to unlock the safe, and retrieve the flag
FLAG: VishwaCTF{h3r3_y0u_@r3}
Aria of lost code
When I opened this challenge, I initially thought it must be some kind of cipher on dCode. But instead of checking it on dCode, I decided to use Google Lens and boommm @@
I found the “Hymmnos alphabet”!!
Once I identified the cipher, I went to dCode’s Hymmnos alphabet page, entered the ciphertext, and easily decoded the flag
FLAG: VishwaCTF{H4v3_y0u_7ri3d_Ar_70n3l1c0}
When I first read this challenge, the first thing I saw was chaos :) (Okay, that’s a good joke, right? :D)
After opening output.txt
, I saw a bunch of random characters that maybe the flag was encrypted and hidden somewhere in there
Moving on to
, I noticed that the flag was shuffled randomly within the messages. Each message was encrypted using XOR and Base85
After analyzing the problem, I decided to write a script to decode the messages and find the flag:
- Reverse Base85 to obtain the XOR-encrypted bytes
- Reverse the XOR operation using
(i % 256)
, which revealed the messages mixed with the flag
1 | #!/usr/bin/python3 |
After running the script, I obtained the messages and several possible flags :D (You heard it right, “some flags”)
Some flag:
1 | VishwaCTF{Fl4g_Or_N0t_Th4t_1s_Th3_QuesT10n} |
I started with the longest one and, luckily, I found the real flag >:3
FLAG: VishwaCTF{CrYpt0_cRyPT0_1g_It_1s_sOm3_7hiNg_t0_D0}
Forgotten Cipher
This challenge involved the VIC cipher and XOR transformations, which I found quite fun. After researching the VIC cipher (actually with a little help from AI :3), I realized that I needed to:
Find the base key, which was not provided
Reverse the bitwise transformations
a. Ifi
is even, apply rotate right by 2 bits
b. Ifi
is odd, apply rotate left by 2 bitsReverse the XOR operation with the initial key
Check if the result is valid ASCII
Brute-force the
from 0 to 255 to find the correct value
Based on the analysis above (and some help from ChatGPT AI >:3), I wrote a Python script to solve the problem:
1 | #!/usr/bin/python3 |
After running the script, I got the result:
1 | FOUND! Base key: 0x15 -> VishwaCTF{VIC_Decoded_113510} |
FLAG: VishwaCTF{VIC_Decoded_113510}
Rhythmic Cipher
When I came to this challenge, the first thing I saw was two GIFs of dancing stickmen
At first, I thought, “Maybe overlaying these two might reveal the text in the correct flag order” Hah~ too inexperienced
After suffering with the first approach, I searched for dancing stickman cipher and found this:
Good job, myself! Gud gud :). After detecting the cipher, I thought about dumping these GIFs into images
Using the first tool I found on the internet to convert GIFs into images, I got these:
Then I decoded these with Dcode’s Dancing Men Cipher
Follow for Clues
So at first, I will find LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter of VishwaCTF, of course ._.
I can find all of it through the main page except Twitter (X)
- LinkedIn:
- Instagram:
About X (Twitter), I just need to search on Google “VishwaCTF Twitter” and I got the link
- Twitter (X):
However, I haven’t found any flags in posts on LinkedIn or Twitter (X). The only remaining social media platform to check is Instagram
My strategy for finding the flags is straightforward: I look at the newest posts and then way back to the oldest ones, starting from when the contest began
Then I found this post:
FLAG: VishwaCTF{L3t_Th3_hUn7_8Eg1n}
I started to search it using Google Images and I found a bunch of posts about this place
To verify the exact name, I use Google Maps and search “Sailing Cricket Ground” and I got the full name is Saling Cricket Stadium Ghanche
FLAG: VishwaCTF{Saling_Cricket_Stadium_Ghanche}
The Lecture Code
Look carefully on the description, I noticed something different than other challs
First, the author only found on this chall. Second, he/she also include @riya_shah28
, which want to tell us “Hey, this is my username, you have to find me”
So I will find as your request :)
At, I found Riya
Look at her LinkedIn and look to the comment section, I saw the “cryptic message”:
Then, I look at her GitHub, I found a cs50cybersecurity repo:
Here, I found 3 Python file but only
actually works
So I clone it to my machine, replace the hidden_encrypted_pass
and then python
FLAG: VishwaCTF{cs5o_qu4ck!}
The Summit
So from the information of the image, we got something like “2025 01 05 11:57” and TheMIS. Search on Google, I found that this might be a type of tank or at least, use in military
Look at the left, I saw at lot of people and from my experience when playing GeoGuessr, this is Indians
So from all of these information and the description, I think that we have to find an important event in India?
Initially, our team was in vain because it too vague. But then later, a member in team noticed this in the description: “with a lot of attention from the media”
This means that it might be some where on the social media. And with a little information is “2025 01 05”, in the last 2 hours, my team search all the social media from Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook to find the event in most Indian’s military, army page
Until we got this post:
This is “Know Your Army” Mela event, and in the original post, it got a lot of attention:
Here, it also has Google Maps, which located the exact long lat of the location:
Look like we are on the right track, how about the guest?
As there is only a little time, so a member of our team use ChatGPT AI to fast search and found:
We finally got the flag uwu
FLAG: VishwaCTF{18.51,73.89_Devendra Fadnavis}
Lets Race
First, I cracked password with join
Based on this description, there was a lot of time later that I tried based on the current rankings of the household (R1 G2 B3)
Then, I use stegsolve
and I got the flag:
FLAG: VishwaCTF{1_l0v3_C0r5}
I opened the file with GIMP and combined four images together, then fixed a few missing parts
FLAG: VishwaCTF{aG9lMTIzNDU2c3Bhc3NhZ2U=}
Spilled Paint Water
I opened the file on and then deleted a few lines like the ones below
1 | <clipPath id="clipArea"> |
1 | svg { |
Thanks for reading guys, really appreciate, it was pretty long right?